Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Okay, I admit it, I'm a big ol' nerd.

I love to balance my checkbook. I like to enter all the charges I make at least once a week. And once a month, I sit down and balance my checkbook to the penny. I love it, I really love it.

I can tell when my life is out of control when I miss balancing my checkbook for a month. I actually didn't balance my checkbook for two whole months. Oh my life was so out of control!!!

But now, with finals over, I have balanced my checkbook and all is right in the world again.

As my bro would say, "Nerd alert, nerd alert!"


S said...

I wish that I was that way. Just balancing your checkbook balances you. :) Love you!

Miss B said...

that's funny, mr. k and your bro have something in common... he always says "nerd alert, nerd alert!" to me!