Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday Morning

It's way too early to be up but its my own damn fault. Good news is I actually finished my paper due at 4 pm a few moments ago - go me. The bad news is, I have one more paper to write tonight for Wednesday 7 pm class. I did it to myself, I can't really complain.

So I got up at 5 this morning, not usual for some but not my cup o' tea...er, not my cup of coffee. It is always a gamble to go to bed with a paper unfinished. The gamble is, will the letters on the screen in front of you start making sense if you stay up all night, will you wake refreshed after a couple hours sleep and be able to string together a coherent sentence or will you wake up groggy as all get out and S.O.L?

Knock on wood, I have woken up coherent and with my paper outlined in my head the two times I have had to finish a paper the morning of. Not a habit I want to get into but good to know that I am capable of doing it. Ah Graduate school...How many more years did I sign up for?


meesh said...

Wow. You are a trooper. Good luck witht hat other paper. You're brilliant, you can do it!

S said...

I am so proud of you!!!