Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Letter # 1

February 18, 2006

Dear Ms. _____________,

This is not an easy letter to write. The Committee on Admissions, after careful review of your application and its supporting documents, has asked me to inform you that your application to the Doctor of Philosophy degree program n American Studies and Ethnicity for the Fall 2006 semester has not been approved.

Please realize that each year the university receives applications from far more students than it can possibly accommodate. As a result, we have had to establish and adhere to admission guidelines and standards that are relatively high, and to deny admission to some students of significant ability and potential.

Though you have not met the current admission standards to this degree program, we want to encourage you to continue working towards the goals you have set, both educationally and professionally.

If you have further questions concerning this decision, please feel free to call the department to which you applied. We wish you every success in your academic pursuits.

L. K. H.
Dean of Admission and Financial Aid.

Yes, it is official, I have received my first letter of denial to a PhD program. And while I would have loved to go to USC, I am not really upset. I have four more applications out- including one to another program at USC- and am just waiting for the letters to arrive.

I knew what the letter said before I opened it last night. I mean, come on, the letter was really thin, there could be only one sheet of paper folded inside. Anyone who has ever applied to a university knows that a thin envelope received at admission time is not good news. You want to get a big fat, oversized letter from the university with a welcome packet and lots of details inside.

I decided to wait until after I ate dinner in case I did get upset and I didn’t want to ruin my appetite. I opened it with the majority of the family with me at the table and I read it out loud. Dad brought up right away that the program had lost its Irvine Grant/Funding this year and therefore can’t take a lot of students. And he mentioned how unenthusiastic everyone from the department we met was when we went for a visit. I love my family, they are so supportive. But I am an unpublished student who has already left one graduate program and do not have a background in any of the recommended fields for the degree. I guess I am not upset because unlike the first time I applied to a Master’s program, I have more applications in the other schools and what can you do? I kind of thought my application was a long shot but all you can do is try right? I’ll let you all know as further letters come in.

Is it kinda sick that I want to frame my rejection letters though?

1 comment:

meesh said...

Yeah, I say go ahead and frame the damn things. Put 'em up all over hte house. As long as we get to blow up to poster size the acceptance letters. :)