Monday, August 07, 2006


I don’t know about the people I work with, I really don’t.

Let me back up here.

When going to the bathroom with a friend, I have been know to continue a conversation we were having while both or one of us are in the stall. I’ve had conversations with people who entered while I was at the sink, they enter the stall and we keep talking. Basically, as long as the conversation starts face to face, it doesn’t bother me that the conversation continues while one or both go about their business, if you know what I mean.


I went to the toity at work this morning and there was already someone in one of the stalls when I entered. We didn’t make any kind of visual contact, although from certain clues outside, I knew who was in there. But she didn’t know who I was. I could have been anyone entering, even a customer. So I enter the stall to go about my business and suddenly, from the stall next to me I hear,

Her: “Don’t you find that when the ad line opens, it makes you want to pee more?”

Me: (Pause) Uh, no.

Her: “Oh. Well, it does me.”


There is also a sign that is posted on the inside of each stall door that says,

“Ladies Please help maintain the cleanliness of the bathroom & clean up after yourself. Thank you!”

From the day I started working here I have always wondered, “What kind of dirty birdies were leaving what kind of mess to necessitate the posting of that sign inside the stalls?” I wish I had a picture to show you the sign. Its really there, I swear. I’ve always wondered if the men’s bathroom has the same sign addressed to the men.

I love my job...


S said...

I had similar incidents at VC. I couldn't help but wonder, what kind of potty training some of these "ladies" had to contribute to their lack of consideration for others.

meesh said...

It's so funny that you wrote about this. I totally had the bathroom conversation today with a lady I know who works across the hall at Cartoon Network. We were considering putting up a sign like that because there are some odd goings ons in our ladies room. My personal favorite is the person who is too grossed out to touch the bathroom door handle, so they use a piece of paper towel...then leave the paper towel stuck to the door handle. What is that all about? Ugh.