Friday, August 18, 2006

This is getting redonkulous

Okay, I was actually in a good mood today when I walked into the building. I was yesterday too. It never fails though. Less than an hour into my day, I'm in a foul mood. And actually not for the same reason that I was cranky yesterday. A whole different thing.

I really have to stop complaining and do something about getting a better job. That's it, I am going to spend one night a week applying for jobs. If I don't put myself out there, how can anything change? I hope to apply to at least two jobs a week until I get a better job. As long as I have the chance of getting benefits and part time work so I can concentrate on school, I'll take an hourly pay cut. I've survived on little to no money before.

I actually received two emails this week for Teaching assistantships on campus. I emailed back on one of them asking them to review the application I turned in with the application for school, the other one I need to read up on and put together the application and cover letter. I think that one also requires letter of reference or at least references... Job hunting, as Ms. S can attest, is hard work. But how can I continue to complain about something if I am not willing to make a change.

As Ghandi says, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Not really what he meant but you get the sentiment.


meesh said...

Good for you! I know it can be tough to take that first step to make a change, but once you've done it, everything else will fall into place. I like my Marz to be a happy Marz. :) And of course, I will be here to prop you up and support you... and hide all the sharp objects. LOL

S said...

You will be so much happier somewhere else. Yes, job hunting sucks, but I'm armed with the "things happen for a reason" mentality. I hope it works for you...(and continues to work for me).

Good luck!