Thursday, March 26, 2009

Never Enough

Just so you know where I am right now.

I was suppose to get "completed" (as far as I could go at this point) thesis chapters 1-3 to my committee chair on March 18. Well, that didn't happen but I was aiming to get the chapters to her by Wednesday the 25 (umm, 2.5 hours ago technically?) so that she would have the weekend to read them, get me feedback so I could make adjustments in a couple days and get copies to my full committee before spring break (hard deadline April 2).

Well, I have completed chapter 2... have to rewrite about half of chapter 1 and basically write all of chapter 3. I kind of did this to myself, so I am not asking for pity.

Here's the thing. I am astonished to see that I am at 51 pages of text already with all that I still have to write. And that doesn't include my bibliography. That's up to 9 pages so far.

Say it with me, Holy Crap!

I think I have mentioned before how big a project this is but the scope of the project I am undertaking just hit me.

Peace out, I am off to catch 3 hours of sleep before I head back to school.

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