Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So tomorrow is the big day. I defend my thesis at 11:30.

I know I did a good job and my committee chair called me tonight and told me that she has only heard positive comments about my work. She stressed that I did a really good job, above what is expected of a master's thesis and to think of tomorrow more as a conversation about the paper rather than a defense. In other words, there is no need to get defensive, no one will be attacking me.

Still, I am nervous and will take a sleep aid tonight to make sure that I sleep. I am taking a copy of my thesis to my room and reading through the whole thing once more in preparation. Then it will be lights out.

There will be a few minor changes after tomorrow that I will work with my committee chair to make. After that, it is time to prepare my official copies and turn them into the Graduate Studies office on August 4 at 11:30.

I can't believe that I am almost done. It is surreal.


S said...

I am so proud of you. Good luck. I'll be thinking of you at 11:30 for sure! xoxo

Jefferson Beavers said...

Ph.D. here you come!